Relationships are challenging!
Especially if you believe the lie that…
- …you don’t have the right personality.
- …great relationships come naturally and with little effort.
- …you need to be lucky enough to find the “right” person.
- …if your relationship is struggling, you’re probably in the wrong relationship.
Here’s the real reason relationships are challenging.
They are complex!
In order to master any complex behavior (like playing basketball, learning self-defense, or playing the guitar) you have to:
- Break it down into simple, bite size steps that you can practice.
- Practice each step over and over again until it comes naturally.
- Combine the simple steps together to create mastery.
At Heart Tools, we have created a step by step plan that will help you master the skills and the tools that you need to build great relationships in every area of your life.
Loving Well: Increasing Your Emotional Awareness and Connection Skill: Understanding Emotions Video 1: Practice Understanding Your Emotions (Part 1) Get our free Relationship Dashboard Check to help you practice Video 2: Practice Understanding Your Emotions (Part 2) Get our free Relationship Dashboard Check to help you practice Video 3: Practice Eliminating Phrases that Kill Connection Get our free Invalidation Statements to help you practice Video 4: Practice Allowing Others to Feel Their Emotions Video 5: Practice Helping Others Fell Connected to You Video 6: Practice Feeling the Full Range of Your Emotions (Part 1) Get our free Restoring Your Heart to Factory Settings to help you practice Video 7: Practice Feeling the Full Range of Your Emotions (Part 2) Video 8: Practice Feeling Empathy Get our free Creating Empathy to help you practice Skill: Listening with Empathy Video 1: Practice Listening with Empathy Get our free Listening with Empathy to help you practice Video 2: Practice Practicing - And Avoid this Red Flag Video 3: Practice Listening to Non-Verbal Communication Video 4: Practice Eliminating Bad Habits (Part 1) Video 5: Practice Eliminating Bad Habits (Part 2) Video 6: Practice Avoiding Toxic Conversations Video 7: Practice Distinguishing Between Thoughts and Feelings Skill: Validation Video 1: Practice Being Curious Instead of Critical Video 2: Practice Listening When You Disagree Video 3: Practice Validating Others’ Emotions Video 4: Practice Validating While Setting Boundaries Video 5: Practice Setting Boundaries While Validating Video 6: Practice Protecting Others’ Value While Listening Video 7: Practice Listening Without Fixing Video 8: Practice Listening Without Fixing (Part 2) Special Topic Video: Practice Helping Your Kids through this Common Challenge Loving Well: Creating and Protecting Equal Value Skill: Warmth Video 1: Practice Noticing Warmth Video 2: Practice Consistent Warmth Video 3: Practice Warmth as a Spiritual Discipline Video 4: Practice Noticing When You Lose Your Warmth Video 5: Practice Noticing When You Lose Your Warmth (Part 2) Skill: Apologizing Video 1: Practice Apologizing Well Skill: Showing Appreciation Video 1: Practice Showing Appreciation (Part 1) Video 2: Practice Showing Appreciation (Part 2) Video 3: Practice Showing Appreciation (Part 3) Video 4: Practice Showing Appreciation (Part 4) Video 5: Practice A Different Kind of Appreciation Video 6: Practice Getting the Appreciation You Need Video 7: Practice Getting Your Emotional Needs Met Loving Well: Creating and Protecting Equal Power Skill: Listening with Respect Video 1: Practice Being Curious Video 2: Practice Listening with Respect Video 3: Practice Listening Honestly Video 4: Practice Listening without Arguing Video 5: Practice Speaking without Arguing Video 6: Practice Talking about God without Arguing Video 7: Practice Talking about Science and Justice without Arguing Video 8: Practice Talking about Politics without Arguing Skill: Respecting One Another's NO Video 1: Practice Understanding Your Yes Video 2: Practice Understanding Saying No Isn't Selfish Video 3: Practice Helping Others Hear Your No Video 4: Practice the Emotional Work of Saying No Video 5: Practice Delivering a Strong and Loving No Video 6: Practice Hearing No to Build Trust Skill: Staying Out of the Shame Triangle Video 1: Practice Recognizing the Shame Triangle
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